
Hi Everyone!

My name is Kristina, I am an aspiring Makeup Artist/Beauty Guru/Beauty Blogger. Ever since I have been introduced to Makeup, I've always had a love for it. I love going on YouTube to see all the different type of tutorials there are on a certain look. I want my blog to be as helpful as YouTube is, but in a blog form. Eventually, I will love to start a YouTube channel, but for now I will continue to blog about many things (as listed below). 

  • Makeup Pictorials, 
  • First Impressions, 
  • Product Reviews, 
  • Fashion
  • Skin care
  • Hair care
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Hauls & more :)

I will love to help those that are new to makeup/hair/skin, or those who are interested in makeup/hair/skin. I will give you guys advice and my tips and tricks on how I do those things. Also, I will be informative on the products I talk about on a blog post. 

A little disclaimer: As always, the information I give you is solely my opinion 100%, and how I feel about the item, I'm not trying to sell an item I talk about or bash the item neither. I am also not being paid to talk about a product, If I am however sponsored to do a blog post on a certain product, you will be notified. For now, my blog is my opinion and thoughts ONLY! 

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