Tuesday, October 21, 2014

DIY: Lip Scrub

Hey Everyone!

So, I know many of you may be approaching some cold weather or probably already experiencing some cold weather (I know I am, which is crazy New York City) I figured, this blog post will be a great way to do a DIY (Do it Yourself). And this DIY project is on how to create your own lip scrub. The cold weather may have an affect on our lips and make them look dry, crack, or peel, which can suck for our poor lips :(. BUT! This DIY lip scrub will be perfect for those chappy lips boo boo, lol. And, the coolest thing is that all the products you will need are right in your kitchen cabinets. :)

What you will need is:

  • Organic Coconut Oil
  • Cinnamon
  • A Container for your lip scrub
  • Food Coloring (any color you want)
  • A spoon
  • A Mixing stick, or popsicle stick (Forgot to photograph it :/ )
  • & 1/4 cup of Sugar


    How to do your lip scrub: 

  • You're going to need your spoon to scoop up 2 teaspoons of coconut oil, then you pour it into your container.

  • Then you grab your 1/4 measuring cup of sugar and pour it into the container filled with your coconut oil.

  • Get your Cinnamon and scoop up half a teaspoon of it and pour into your container.
    (The cinnamon is for flavoring and scent, incase you were wondering.)

  • Then grab any food coloring you own (Any color you want, there's no specific color) and drop about as many drops as you want, to your liking. I dropped about 6 drops only because I wanted my scrub to look really "hot pink" or "red."


  • Then lastly, mix your ingredients until you get this kind of consistency. If you feel like it may be too oily, add a bit more sugar, or if its a bit more sugary add a bit more of coconut oil.

    Here's a demo video of me using my homemade lip scrub:

Here I am using the Lip scrub I made, and I'm pretty much scrubbing it onto my lips. You can use either your fingers or a baby tooth brush if you really want to get in there and scrub those lips! Either or is fine, both do the same job. You want to scrub your lips for about one minute, and then rinse your lips with warm water, dry them, put on your favorite lip balm and, wa-lah! You have smooth lips ;) 

These are my favorite lip balms to use after I scrub my lips:

EOS lip balm in sweet mint
Smith's Rosebud Salve
Vaseline Lip therapy in cocoa butter


I had made another one a couple of months ago for some of my friends as a christmas gift, and they all loved the idea of it. Here's the one I made for myself, the ones that I made for my friends look exactly like this:

(I apologize if mine looks jacked up, but it has the cute label and ribbon, haha!) 

You can also do this fancy idea if you want to make this for someone who loves to take care of their lips, or will appreciate this gesture :)
**All of the products you can get are in Michaels Craft Store, or your local craft store! (*Ribbon, Label, and Mason Jar*)

**BTW: You don't have to use food coloring at all to your lip scrub, it's only for presentation or if you really want it to have a color. The thought of making a lip scrub with a color seemed cool to me, however you don't need to add it to your lip scrub if you don't want to!


I hope this post was somewhat helpful to you guys, seemed like a cool idea, and hope you give it try. :) It's a really easy and fun DIY project, and most of the products are in your kitchen cabinets, which is always a plus! If you give it a try, let me know what you think of it and show me how yours came out. You can always share with me on my, {clickable link} -> (facebook) I will love to see how yours came out :) As always, leave comments and suggestions on what you would like to see next. Don't forget to share with your family and friends, your support would mean so much to me. 

BESOS XO Kristina

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