Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How: I Wash & Deep Clean my Makeup brushes

Makeup Brush Washing/Deep Clean Routine:

Hey Everyone!

I know we all don't like to gather all our brushes and wash them all together. Especially if you're a Makeup junkie, and have loads of brushes! BUT, sometimes we have to wash our brushes every now and then. This is because the more you use your brushes with the makeup you're using, it can carry a lot of bacteria onto your brushes. If you reuse them everyday, all of the bacteria can gather up and break you out like crazy. (It's happened to me before) I can admit I don't wash my brushes every now and then, but when I do, I make sure to wash them and leave them sparkly clean to use again. :)
*Now for a little disclaimer, In this blog post I give you an example of how I wash my brushes, but I didn't use ALL my brushes, I only washed the ones I use on a daily basis*

When I wash my brushes and want to get through them quickly I just use:

This solid bar is amazing for brushes and beauty blenders. All you pretty much do is swirl your brushes/beauty blender on the soap and instantly it'll remove the makeup on your brushes, and then you rinse the soap off thoroughly. You can get it (here)

When I want to deep clean/condition my brushes I use:
  • Solid Bar
  • Baby Shampoo or gentle clarifying shampoo 
  • Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

*Why I use coconut oil?
Well, coconut oil is great for so many reasons. Placing your brushes in coconut oil can hydrate the brushes and make them softer again. Most brushes do need a deep conditioning "treatment." This is because, the many times you do wash your brushes it can dry out the bristles of the brushes and can make them fall out or not useful at all. Especially if some of your brushes are on the "higher end" side and you paid lots of money for it. You do want to keep them in good condition right? Therefore, coconut oil is perfect for when you are washing your brushes. 

The steps I use:
  1. Place a bowl filled with some coconut oil, enough for your brushes to sit and soak up the coconut oil, like the photo on the side. (You can also use olive oil, for it has the same reasons as coconut oil). 
  2. Let the brushes sit with the coconut oil for about 2 minutes.
  3. Grab your Baby shampoo or gently clarifying shampoo.
  4. Place the soap/shampoo on the palm of your hand.
  5. Swirl your brush in the palm of your hands and gently take some of the makeup off.
  6. Rinse the brush tip under running water.
  7. Use a cloth to dry and reshape the bristles.
  8. Place your brush on a towel or cloth, and lay them flat so they can air dry.

Now if you're using your solid bar, all you have to do is swirl your brush on the soap bar and it'll instantly take the makeup right off your brush/beauty blender. 

And there you have it! You're brushes are all sparkly clean! There are special brush shampoos/soap to use (like the solid bar from blender cleanser), but if you want a cheaper alternative, gently clarifying shampoo or baby shampoo will do the same job! :)

As always, leave comments and any suggestions on what you will like to see next on a blog post! 


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