Monday, December 1, 2014

Daily Skin Care Routine

Hi Everybody!!! <3

**Again, I Apologize for not posting as much, but I've been so busy with school as far as midterms and upcoming finals, and work! BUT, I promise to keep my word and blog weekly! Thank you to my supporters who have been patient with me, You are appreciated! Love love love you's!** 

Today's blog post is my Skin care routine, and what I do and use on a daily basis! Since I'm usually busy in the day time, I do my skin care routine at night, that way I can sleep with a clean face and start fresh the following day! I know some people prefer to wash their face twice a day, which is always good, but since I don't have much time, I always forget to wash my face in the morning, but I wait till the night to clear any bacteria or just anything on my face to wash my face.

Here's what I do first:

  • Since I usually wear makeup almost everyday, I definitely have to use a makeup remover. The makeup wipes that I use are the Simple Radiance cleansing wipes (25 wipes) I've gone through a million and one makeup wipes, and ever since I tried this, I've been in love. It doesn't have a pleasant scent, but I think it's much better because I have really sensitive skin and if a makeup wipe has a strong scent, I will break out the next day. And these wipes are 100% clean, no residue, No Harsh chemicals, no Artificial perfume or dyes. So, these wipes are good for my skin because it's simple, no pun intended. Haha! But, ofcourse everyone is different so this may not be gentle on your skin, or you use something else. Which is totally fine! Honestly, it really makes my skin soft right after, and it gets the job done. It even takes off my waterproof mascara, and that's always hard to come off, Am I right ladies? So, these just happen to be my favorite makeup wipes right now, and they make my skin feels good right after!

But, don't think just a makeup remover is going to clean your skin because it really doesn't. To wash my face I use:

  • Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser: (which is on the top right) This is for normal to oily skin ladies and gents. So I've started using this product for a month now and I feel like it's time to make a mini review on it here on this post. This facial cleanser cleans you UP Girl! To use this, you have to have your face wet with warm water, and then you apply a generous amount (one pump is perfect, a little goes a long way!) to your fingers and massage it thoroughly on your face. You don't need to leave this cleanser on for any amount of minutes, you can rinse when you feel like your skin is clean. Which it takes me about a 30-45 seconds for me to have that feeling (unless you had a lot of makeup on that day, then I would gently massage the cleanser for a minute) but, after I do that; I rinse with warm water. The cleanser feels like a silicone gel in a way (does that make sense?), it has no beads or anything inside it. Just straight up gel. I know this product says its for normal to oily skin people, but since I have normal skin, I do feel dry after the cleansing. And this is where I use my next product:
  • Cetaphil Daily Advance Lotion: This lotion is so hydrating to the skin. For those who have severe dry skin, this will be your BESTFRIEND. I'm not even joking, I've used this lotion for years now, and is the only lotion I use and will forever use. This is my holy grail product, hands down. I apply a generous amount (a little goes a long way, trust me!) and put this in areas where I feel like I need hydration which is around my cheek, chin, sides of my nose and forehead. Everywhere else I get really oily, so If I were to place the lotion in the areas where I get oily, I will be even more oily. So, be careful to not focus on the oily parts of your face with this lotion, because it will cling on to it and make you shiny. (Lesson learned!) 

After I apply my lotion, I use:

  • This is the Origins GinZing Refreshing eye cream. I use this eye cream almost everyday, whenever I think about it, haha, just being honest here. I believe I've mentioned this product on a previous blog post, and I've gone in depth how I felt about it etc. Nonetheless- This eye cream does help brighten my designer bags, lol, Ofcourse, you would have to be consistent with this product to eventually see results. It won't happen over night, but when I've used it for almost about a month straight, I did see results. My dark circles (Designer Bags) brightened up a bit. Since, I've seen results, I've been back on this product and have been using it, and love it!

And lastly,

  • For the days I have breakouts, I use the Clean & Clear advantage acne spot treatment. I've been using this treatment forever, and again this is one of my holy grail products. It honestly, helps reduce the size of your pimples/breakouts from getting bigger and annoying. It dries out my pimples, and goes away on its own. This stuff is like magic, no kidding. On the bottom picture, you can see a tiny amount of the product on my hand, and it feels like a silicone gel consistency. The only thing I would be careful with when using this product, is to not use this on popped pimples because it will burn and it's not a nice feeling- trust me! Overall, this product is great for me, everyone is different and has their opinions, but it works well for me. Again, let me clarify that a little goes a long way with this product. This same product I've had for over 6 months, and I still haven't ran out, and I do use this almost everyday. So it's definitely a must have, and the price isn't much neither! I definitely recommend this to those who are in need of a acne spot treatment!

So there you have it, this is my Daily Skin Care Routine, and have been doing this for a while now, even if I used different products, the order of my routine is how I do it on a daily basis. I hope this blog post was somewhat helpful to those who are confused as to what they should use for their skin. Of course, before buying any of these, test it out to see if you have a rash or breakout after, because everyone is different. I would also recommend checking in with your doctor to see if any of these products may be harmful to you. Nonetheless, I hope this blog post was informative and you enjoyed it. Thank you to those who continue to support me even when I haven't been consistent with my blog posts, I appreciate all of you! Definitely share this blog post to someone who might be interested! :) As always leave comments on what you would like to see on my next blog post, like, share, and thank you for checking out my blog!

BESOSXO Kristina


  1. What do you recommend to make my face more vibrant?

    1. Neutrogenas visibly even daily moisturizer! It helps to brighten skin tone, minimize the look of dark spots, evens out skin tone, and has a spf of 30 which is great. Check it out :)
